The Rules *Please Read Before Posting/Joining*
- Treat all members with respect to do not flame, insult, threaten or mock members, even if done in a joking manner.
- Do not disrespect the LPUK staff.
- Do not create signatures or threads that may change the formatting of the boards or threads.
- Do not post or make signatures containing graphic sexual content or any other material that others may deem offensive.
- Do not post Linkin Park Street Team competition links, they may be posted in your signatures however.
- Do not make threads about the band member's personal lives.
- Do not make continuous repeat posts.
- Do not make threads on topics for which threads already exist.
- Post topics in the closest appropriate forum.
- Post in English.
- If you have any questions regarding the rules, feel free to contact a moderator/admin.
Breaking the rules will result in warning points being given out; persistent breaking of the rules will lead to being banned from the boards.